End Fed Half Wave (EFHW) antenna at Mt Stromlo

Sunday 8 October 2023. I decided to dust the cobwebs off my homebrew EFHW antenna for an activation of the 2nd most popular VK summit, Mt Stromlo VK1/AC-043, 782m ASL (2566 ft). This EFHW version covers the 40, 20, 15 and 10m bands, I am planning to add a link for 30m later this week.…

My first outing with VI10SOTA

8 January 2023. In 2023 VK1 is celebrating 10 years of the amateur radio Summits on the Air (SOTA) awards program which for VK1 officially commenced on 1 February 2013. To help celebrate the 10 year milestone our esteemed local VK1 SOTA Manager, Wade VK1MIC sought and gained permission from the Australian Communications and Media…

Antenna Project – Recycle an old aluminium VHF TV antenna and build a hand-held 2m yagi for 144.2 MHz

This 2m yagi antenna is light on the back-pocket and relatively easy to construct. This project starts with an old VHF TV antenna purchased from a local ‘Green’ recycle depot for $5.00 AUD. The repurposed TV antenna was a Phased Array comprised of two aluminium booms and four elements or eight 1/4 wave elements. Each…

Antenna Project – 2m 145 MHz Rectangular Loop

Peter VK3YE recently published a 2m rectangular loop antenna article in Amateur Radio Magazine edition 5 (Sep-Oct 19). The feedpoint impedance of the 2m rectangular loop is 50 ohms thus avoiding the need for a 1/4 wave impedance transformer. Are interested in a 6m oblong loop? I have constructed the lightweight 150 gram (5.2 ounces)…