SOTA 6m QRP – VK2 to ZL1 2340 km at 5 watts

Thursday 12 January 2017, Andrew VK1MBE and Andrew VK1AD activating SOTA peak Mt Budawang VK2/ST-015, grid QF44XM.  Surprising success at working ZL1 on 6m 50.120 MHz at 5 watts QRP SSB, that’s right not CW or digital modes, yep voice mode SSB from SOTA summit Mt Budawang VK2/ST-015 for two ZL1 QSOs over 2340 km…

SOTA 2016 – VK1AD portable 70cm update #4 and Sporadic E

Saturday 9 January 2016, unplanned SOTA activation of Yellow Rabbit Hill VK1/AC-039 855 metres ASL on 432.2 MHz USB and 439.00 MHz FM.  Maidenhead Grid Locator QF44KP Radio: Yaesu FT-857D and Yaesu FT-60R dual band HT Antenna: 7el 70cm Yagi (see photo) Power Level: FT-857D 10 watts, FT-60R 5 watts SOTA Alert:  Yes Date posted…