Construction of a 23cm 1296 MHz Bi-Quad Antenna

I’m enjoying the challenge of 23cm 1296 MHz homebrew antenna construction for SOTA purposes.  My 23cm portable antenna collection includes: 12el DL6WU Yagi 12dB gain – lightweight boom construction using a folded dipole; 6el DL6WU Yagi 9 dB gain – ruggedised all brass construction gamma matched, ideal for the Australian scrub bash; and 2el HB9CV…

23cm yagi gamma match

Solid Brass 6el 23cm Yagi antenna for SOTA

VK1AD 23cm (1.296 GHz) 6el Yagi – Construction of a rugged solid brass DL6WU yagi ready for the SOTA backpack! My collection of 23cm SOTA antennas includes two DL6WU homebrew folded dipole yagis, 6 and 12 elements.  While both antennas offer excellent gain, their lightweight design means they are limited to summits with limited scrub bashing,…

SOTA – 23 cm action at Bald Mountain and Big Badja

Saturday 8 July 2017. Thee enthusiastic SOTA activators Andrew VK1MBE, Al VK1RX and myself have plans to activate three summits Bald Mountain, Big Badja Hill and Dampier in the Gourock and Deua National Parks, 2.5 hours south-east of Canberra. Our plan is to rotate two SOTA stations between Bald Mountain VK2/SM-052 and Big Badja Hill…